4 things for instant on-camera confidence

even when you feel awkward af

Hey Climbers, today —

  • Do these 4 things for instant on-camera confidence

  • A clever product launch from LEGO

Does your personality disappear on camera?

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the following sentence from creators:

“I don’t get it… I have a personality, but as soon as I hit that big red button and start recording, it’s like my whole personality just…. poof! vanishes.“

Not to fear. I’ve got u. These 4 things have helped countless clients of mine go from stilted and awkward on camera to magnetic and comfortable.

  1. The Facetime Effect

You know your best friend? Yeah, the one who has seen you vomit in a bush?

Before you start filming, close your eyes for a second.

When you open them again, imagine the camera is a Facetime call with that best friend. How does this change the way you hold your body? The position of the camera? The kinds of words you use?

  1. The conversational runway

Say the first line you wanted to record was: “today I went to the shops and got an apple”.

Press record, and then before you say that first sentence, just… babble until you feel yourself loosen up. It may take 1 sentence, or 10. Just keep going. Then, smoothly segue into that first sentence.

When you’re editing, cut out the babbling in the beginning. And ~voila!~ you have a very relaxed vibe on camera.

  1. Go sentence by sentence

For some reason, people think they have to remember everything, and then say it all in one take, perfectly, to the camera, without stuffing up.

Noooo! That’s so hard. No wonder you feel stressed.

Record sentence by sentence, so you only have to memorise one at a time.

Make sure you remember to trim out the pauses.

  1. The Capcut Teleprompter

Pro tip!

Write your scripts, then use the Capcut teleprompter to read off screen. The trick here is to make sure you don’t look or sound like you’re reading. It takes a little practice, but definitely helps with the deer in the headlights vibe you get when you’re trying to remember what to say next. (it’s free, too!)

BTW, I work with creators to help build their on-camera confidence in my signature 90 day program Cringe Mountain Academy. In fact, one of my clients, Katharine, had never spoken on camera when she started. Now, she does in every video - like a pro. Hit the button below to find out more.

Lego Cat

Lego just released a new product: a cat.

How’d they hype its release?

With this nonsense tweet:

Credit: LEGO

Then they followed it with this photo.

Cat sitting on the keyboard. cute.

Credit: LEGO

Ok that’s all for now,

Til next time,

Keep Climbin’

Erica x

Psst! hey! Nice work getting to the bottom. If you made it this far, that means you get to pick the topic for next week. Hit reply and tell me what you want help on and I’ll see if I can cover it. Ok love you bye!!