Your Cringe Mountain šŸ”ļø

Look proudly back at 2024 as the year you climbed

Hey Climbers, I have a hunch.

I have a hunch that youā€™re part of this community because youā€™re the kind of person who has The Glimmer.

You know it. That little Glimmer you feel in your chest that tells you that you can build something amazing with your creativity on TikTok in 2024.

Something uniquely you, powerfully impactful, and hugely fulfilling.

And thatā€™s why Iā€™m so excited to share something with you. I havenā€™t told anyone else yet - I wanted this community to be the first to hear about it.

Iā€™m taking applications now for a handful of people to joinā€¦. šŸ„šŸ„šŸ„

Cringe Mountain Academy šŸ”ļø

An exclusive, 90 day group program where I help creators conquer their fear of being seen and build their iconic personal brand so they can impact millions with their voice on TikTok.

Itā€™s a value-packed course, a likeminded community group and a creative movement.

And itā€™s the exact method I used to go from living in fear of what people thought of me, to becoming a national radio host & award winning creative with over 110 million views on my videos.

And in honour of new beginnings, if you apply in the next 24 hours, Iā€™ll add in a bonus 30 minute 1:1 Basecamp to Breakthrough strategy session for successful applicants (worth $400 AUD)

Because look, I get it.

When it comes to creating content, itā€™s hard to know:

  • What to say

  • How to say it

  • How to stand out from a sea of sameness

  • How to stay consistent

And you feel so stuck because

  • Talking to the camera feels cringe and unnatural

  • You get overwhelmed at how complicated it all seems

  • You feel like youā€™re saying nothing to nobody

  • Youā€™re great at finding excuses not to start

  • You can never seem to find the time

And on top of all that, youā€™re afraid of what your friends and family will think. But If youā€™ve been dreaming of creating content to

  • Level up your career

  • Express yourself and grow

  • Share your message and make an impact on the world

  • Become a full time creator

2024 is the year you can.

Inside CMA, Iā€™ll take you through the entire Cringe Mountain Method, in three phases:

Phase #1. Pack šŸŽ’
How to set yourself up to never give up, find your Sticky Difference and your Big Reason.

Phase #2. Climb šŸ„¾
How to create iconic, engaging content that stands out from the crowd and feels uniquely you.

Phase #3. Summit šŸ”ļø
How to double down on your personal brand with creative strategies Iā€™ve used for major brands that have made them millions of $$$.

Youā€™ll get hours of course content, weekly group consulting calls, weekly inspiration & tools and chat support with me.

Your favourite TikTok creators agree that Cringe Mountain is the key to success.

Every successful creator on TikTok knows that to succeed, you gotta take action.

Thatā€™s why, when I shared my Cringe Mountain Theory on TikTok, many of the biggest creators commented on my video saying things like:

Because they know that the secret sauce is simple: anyone can do it, if they have the Climberā€™s Mindset and the right creative approach.

And thatā€™s exactly what I teach in Cringe Mountain Academy.

So as you can see, Iā€™m excited.

Iā€™m so excited to share this program, because Iā€™ve never seen anything like it.

Itā€™s a place where viral creative engagement techniques meets mindset and creativity.

And itā€™s going to fill up fast once I drop it outside of this newsletter.

So apply below and youā€™ll always look back proudly at 2024 as the year you began the climb.

Okay, back to regular programming next week.

Until next then,

Happy climbinā€™


Creative inspo of the week:

CM reader Caroline shared a book recommendation for Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott.

CM reader Jaycee shared this website where you can see the view out of anyoneā€™s window around the world.