This is hard for me to admit

The art of authenticity online

Hey Climbers, today -

  • Trying to be authentic and vulnerable online

  • The Netflix show I’ve been inspired by all week

The art of authenticity online

I’ve been thinking about a conversation I had with my psychologist recently.

I was telling her how, all my life, I’ve felt more comfortable listening than talking.

I know that might surprise you seeing as you probably found me in a video where I’m talking. But any day of the week, IRL convo, I’d much rather ask the questions than have to answer them.

She asked me why I think this is.

“I dunno”, I said “I think I’m just more of a listener”

She raised an eyebrow. “I don’t buy that, Erica. I think you have a lot to say. But you just just feel safer doing the asking"

“Hmm". I thought. "She might have point."

(That’s why I pay her the close-my-eyes-and-tap-my-card-big-bucks)

Truth is, I really struggle with being (shudder at the word) “vulnerable”.

Especially in my content.

And I’ve been trying to work out why that is.

I think it has to do with the fact that I’m still trying to figure out who I actually, truly am, because I’m learning I didn’t get much of a chance in my childhood to do that.

Or maybe because I’m a people pleaser. (Soon to be recovering, if my psychologist has it her way).

Or it may be that a decade in media has drilled into me that I need to be providing value in everything I say, and I don’t believe my thoughts and feelings are innately ‘valuable’ enough, so I hide behind facts and ideas instead.

But I don’t want my relationship with you, in this newsletter, to be like that.

Sure, sometimes I wanna jump on here and share a tip or idea with you. Because I have a lot of experience with content creation. I know I’m really good at seeing what makes a someone special as a creator, and helping them reach big audiences and build their communities with it.

But when it comes to learning to be vulnerable myself, I’m a work in progress. Sometimes I wanna come on here as someone who hasn’t worked it out yet - as someone who is on the journey with you.

And maybe the pressure I’m putting on myself to be the ‘teacher' is making it harder for me to speak from the heart.

So while I’m on a roll, here are some things that also feel vulnerable to admit:

  • I’ve felt like I am ‘falling behind’ since I was 22

  • I’m not very good at celebrating my wins

  • I constantly worry I’m on the wrong path

  • I constantly worry I won’t ‘make it’.

And if you're feeling any of this, I hope you can stick with me while we work it out together.

If you know anyone who might be on the journey too, please share this newsletter with them.

Thanks for being here. It’s all part of the climb, I guess!

Baby Reindeer

I’ve been really inspired by a new show on Netflix this week, Baby Reindeer.

The guy who wrote it is also the lead actor, and it’s a true story about his stalker.

This kind of show falls into my favourite category, where the actor is the writer. Like Fleabag, Master Of None, Girls.

It allows for such (keeping on theme) vulnerable, nuanced emotion in the acting.

But trigger warning - it does have some dark themes (including SA) so skip it if that’s sensitive for you.

Find your X Factor in Cringe Mountain Academy

Cringe Mountain Academy is the 90 day program helping creators get clear on what’s holding them back so they can grow their audience in alignment with what they actually love doing.

You get exclusive access to me as your content coach and brainstorm buddy, viral techniques, and a community of creators determined to succeed.

This month, I’ve helped 5 creators go from stuck to confident and consistent. And I’m looking for my next best case study.

If you want to make 2024 the year your content clicks into alignment, hit the button below.

Ok that’s all for now,

Til next time,

Keep Climbin’

Erica x