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  • Lady Gaga’s Cringe Mountain and Your Sticky Difference

Lady Gaga’s Cringe Mountain and Your Sticky Difference

Standing out from a sea of sameness online

Hey Climbers. This week —

  • ✨ How you can stand out from a sea of sameness online

  • ⛰️ Lady Gaga’s Cringe Mountain

  • 🤔 And does this ad make you wanna stop vaping?

Standing out from a sea of sameness online

I’m just gonna say it. 

Copy culture is out of control on TikTok.

Most people just copy what they’ve seen work for other people.

So we scroll

and we scroll

and we get the same


over and



And I get it. It’s temping. I’ve even done it myself.

Because if you replicate what’s already working, you kinda get to skip Cringe Mountain. Right?

You don’t have to go through the effort and experimentation of finding what works for you... RIGHT?

Ah, if only it were that simple, my fellow climbers.

Most of the time, it doesn’t work.

Why? Because it’s not your brand. It’s not your tone, your interests, your beliefs.

If you copy someone else, you’re always gonna be second best.

Because you can’t beat someone at being them.

But this is really good news for us

Because it means that all it takes to stand out from the sea of sameness is:

  1. Have interests

  2. Have perspectives on those interests

  3. Communicate those perspectives in way that’s unique to you

This is what makes up the foundations of an iconic personal brand.

Ok cool Erica but how do I put this into practice?”

Glad you asked:

Use this method with the right strategy and you’ll be part of the 1% that actually stands out and impacts millions of people online.

Discover your Sticky Difference in Cringe Mountain Academy

If you’re feeling stuck in place where you have:

  • No clear systems or creative process

  • Sneaky little mindset blocks that stop you from starting

  • A lack of motivation & clarity

  • The feeling you’re saying nothing to nobody in your content

  • A fear of what your friends and family might think

But you know you have what it takes to be a content creator, level up your career, step into your iconic brand and impact millions of people;

I've designed every step in Cringe Mountain Academy to get you there in 90 days. You’ll get:

  • Hours of course content around mindset, strategy, personal brand and groundbreaking creative techniques that have gotten me and my clients hundreds of millions of views

  • Weekly group zoom sessions with me, where I give you direct support

  • Monday - Friday 1:1 chat support

  • Weekly inspiration and content ideas

  • And a community of likeminded climbers.

Lady Gaga’s Cringe Mountain

You’re called cringe until all of a sudden you’re called groundbreaking.

One of the best examples of this is Lady Gaga.

Always written off in her early career as ‘gimmicky’, ‘try hard’ and ‘over the top’.

Here’s a video of her performing in an Ikea parking lot in 2008

And here’s your weekly reminder that every one of your idols has had their Ikea parking lot moment.

Creative inspo of the week

These anti-vaping ads designed by two students.

Hit reply and tell me - do they make you not want to vape?

Senior lecturer Mark Allen with his students Allie Weinstein and Spencer Hogan.

Okay that’s all for now

Until next time!

Keepin Climbin’

Eri out xx

p.s Hello to all my new readers and climbers! Glad to have you on the journey. Hit reply and give me one goal you’d like to accomplish in 2024.